04 March, 2009

Who knew!

Who knew there was a place like this around here?

I thought the only airports around here were Norfolk, Chesapeake, and HR Exec. Fortunately I have Captain John around to teach me about the Virginia Beach Airport, home of the Virginia Military Aviation Museum.

From Military Aviation Museum

This place is incredible. I don't think I've ever seen a hanger quite like this. A Corsair...

From Military Aviation Museum

...Avenger, Mustang, PBY-Catalina, SNJ, and T-6, B-25, P-40, and many many more...all in absolutely pristine condition, and ALL FLYABLE!

From Military Aviation Museum

It's unreal. Two weeks ago CA John and I got to listen to a WWII P-51 pilot talk about his experience learning to fly in the war. It was absolutely astounding.

From Military Aviation Museum

After his presentation, they did a flight demo with their P-51, Double Trouble II, and their SNJ Harvard.

From Military Aviation Museum

This weekend, Rosie the Riveter will be speaking, followed by a demo by their P-40.

From Military Aviation Museum

It's a huge facility that is ever expanding, all nestled in the middle of the big city. This is truly living history, in the most unlikely of places.

I look forward to spending a lot more time here, learning first hand about some of the greatest aircraft in history, and hopefully seeing a lot more of their planes fly!

From Military Aviation Museum


  1. Those planes are great, aren't they?

    It's nice to find another are blogger.

    My sign in is broken - I'm at momtothescreamingmasses.typepad.com

  2. Cool post Tom! I'm glad I found your new site. I hope you're doing well down south. Keep writing (I need to do more too). Mark (PS-do I have your current email? Mine's markcr@gwi.net)...take care.

  3. woops...said Tom instead of Matt...my apologies (Tom Teller was one of my flight instructors at DWC!)

  4. Carmen, it is indeed nice to find another local blogger. I've actually made a few friends from the various places I've lived in the last few years thanks to blogging; it's amazing this little online community, isn't it!

    Mark, it's great to hear from you again! I did get your email yesterday, but I'm on a trip right now and unfortunately haven't had a chance to write back. I'll drop you a note as soon as I get home, though! That's funny about your instructor's name vs mine...great example of the law of primacy at work!
